The DISC-overy

The DISC-overy

Does it sound familiar?

It’s 8:45, and you’ve got 15 minutes to kill before your morning meeting. You look to your right think “Wow, Danny is on fire.” Sending rapid-fire, one-liner emails after yesterday’s strategy meeting. No time for pleasantries, just straight to the point. He’s all about conquering the world with his grand plans and five-year strategy.


You get up and head to the coffee station, hoping for a quick caffeine fix before the meeting starts. Standing in front of the table you see Isabella. She is ray of sunshine on a rainy day. She locks eyes with you and gets ready to shower you with questions about your holiday plans, and your cat’s escapades, and the latest update on your online dating experiences. It’s a bit too much for a simple coffee break so you make a bee-line to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.


When you re-enter the room, you consider striking up a conversation with Steve, but he’s busy rallying troops against the new IT system. Steady Steve, as he’s affectionately known, despises change. Whether it’s the office layout or even a new brand of pens used in the office. He’s always got something to gripe about.


Then there’s good old Carl, glued to his screen, immersed in his beloved spreadsheets. He’s got his analysis printed and ready for the meeting in 15 minutes. You could try chatting with him, but be prepared for a cold response or long-researched answer.


You decide to escape to the coffee shop down the street. As you walk to the café and order your drink, you can’t help but wonder why your coworkers are so peculiar.



Have you ever felt like some of your colleagues are from a different planet? Their behaviours and communication styles seem so alien to yours. But what if there was a way to understand and decode these behaviours without getting frustrated?


Well, buckle up because I’ve got some exciting news for you. There is a way to gain insight into people’s behaviour and foster better relationships in the workplace.


First things first, let’s differentiate between behaviour and personality. When we talk about behaviour, we’re referring to what we observe—the way people act and interact. Personality, on the other hand, is a deeper and more complex aspect of an individual. For now, we’re focusing on behaviour as it’s something we can see and work with.


Second, have you ever heard of DISC? It’s a fantastic tool for understanding not only your own behaviour but also the behaviours of your colleagues.


The DISC assessment categorises behaviours into four main styles:


   Dominance: how you respond to problems and challenges.

   Influence: how you influence others to your point of view.

   Steadiness: how you respond to the pace of the environment.

   Compliance: how you respond to rules and procedures set by others.


Think of it like a smoothie blend—each person has a unique flavour based on the proportions of these “behavioural” fruits.


By completing a DISC assessment, you gain self-awareness regarding your style, strengths, weaknesses, and preferred communication methods. This newfound knowledge will allow you to identify areas for personal growth and become more effective in your interactions.


Once you have a better understanding of yourself, you can then look at the diverse behaviours of your colleagues.

Imagine having a comprehensive roadmap of your c

olleagues’ behaviours. This roadmap provides valuable insights into their preferred communication styles, highlighting both their preferred and less preferred methods of communication. It also sheds light on their unique work characteristics and the value they bring to the team. Can you imagine the tremendous advantage of having access to such information?

So, if we talk about Carl and Isabell, the colleagues that we mentioned before, by using the DISC assessment you will recognise that Carl has a high compliance style. He prefers detailed information, structure, and clear guidelines. Isabella, on the other hand, with her high influence style, enjoys engaging conversations, storytelling, and building relationships. By acknowledging these differences, they can adapt their communication styles to meet each other’s needs. Carl can provide Isabella with the necessary details and structure she might need, while Isabella can engage Carl with the big picture and help him see the broader impact of their work.

Now, picture tapping into the immense treasure trove of diverse strengths within your team. What was once a source of division—different behaviours and approaches—can now become a catalyst for building high-performing teams. No longer will Danny’s dominant and abrupt emails frustrate you. You’ll have shorter, more to-the-point conversations with Isabella. Steve will understand that progress doesn’t always require a fight, and even Carl, while not a chatterbox, will appreciate the importance of small conversations beyond spreadsheets.

Just imagine what you can achieve with a deep understanding of your own behavioural preferences and those of your team. Frustrations diminish, collaboration soars, and communication becomes more effective. With this newfound knowledge, you can transform your team into an unstoppable force.


So, are you ready to decode behaviours and unlock the true potential of your team?


Are you ready to embrace the power of the DISC to foster understanding, collaboration, and personal growth? With a deeper understanding of behaviours, you’ll create a workplace where differences are celebrated, and high-performing teams thrive.


Before you go, I have a question for you: What behaviour is displayed by me in this blog?


To learn more about the assessments and/or DISC training to empower a more collaborative and high functioning team in your business, visit our website or drop us an email. We would love to help you unpuzzle the behaviours causing mystery or disharmony in your teams.


Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and unleash the power of understanding in the workplace.